Welcome to our world of alpacas! There are many facets to alpaca ownership and many ways you can fit them into your family and your life. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us and please sign up for upcoming clinics and events. Get to know us

Tierra Prometida Alpaca Ranch

....a promise for the future

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Benefits of AOA and Affiliate Membership

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Become an AOA Member


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 The AOA (Alpaca Owners Association) is as it sounds, the association of all Alpaca Owners.

Alpaca owners have various interests.  Some are primarily interested in breeding and showing.  Some are primarily interested in the fiber aspect of the business. Some are primarily interested in having some beautiful animals for their children to grow up nurturing.  There are numerous ways to enjoy alpacas and AOA is an organization for all of those interests.

Membership in AOA provides education on alpaca care, management, and fiber.  It also opens up opportunities for networking with other people with similar interests as well as shows, educational opportunities, and fiber workshops and competitions.

For more information on AOA membership and its different levels:

AOA Membership Levels and Benefits

To Join for the first time:

Join AOA

To Renew or Upgrade your membership click on the link at the bottom of the membership benefits page.


Affiliates are generally the organizations that put on local shows and provide local support with educational opportunities.  It is also a way to get into contact with other local breeders to network.  Each region has its own unique challenges and blessings and other local breeders are great resources.


Monday, August 2, 2021